McMillan-Stewart Foundation Awards MassArt $250,000 Grant to Provide Greater Access to Youth Programs
- Press Release
Grant Establishes an Endowment to Provide Program Scholarships for Local High School Students
BOSTON – Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) President Mary Grant today announced the establishment of the McMillan-Stewart Foundation Endowed Fund for youth programs. The endowment, seeded with a $250,000 donation from the Cambridge-based McMillan-Stewart Foundation, will provide scholarships for local high school students enrolled in MassArt youth programs.
“We are grateful to the McMillan-Stewart Foundation for their support of this important work,” said Dr. Grant. “As we continue to celebrate MassArt’s 150th anniversary we are as committed as ever before to doing all we can to introduce the vibrant world of art and design to high school students in Boston and beyond. With this generous gift we can ensure that cost is not an insurmountable barrier for young people who aspire to explore an arts based education.”
The endowment will help support some of MassArt’s signature youth programs, such as Saturday Studios, Summer Intensives, Pre-College Summer Studios, Portfolio Development, Creative Studios and other programs available to youth. The endowment will prioritize supporting students living in underserved communities.
MassArt, founded in 1873, is this year celebrating its 150th anniversary as the only freestanding public college of art and design in the nation.
For more information on enrolling in MassArt’s Youth Programs, visit
About Massachusetts College of Art and Design:
Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt) is a public, independent institution that prepares artists, designers, and educators to shape communities, economies, and cultures for the common good. Since 1873, MassArt has built a legacy of leadership as the first freestanding public college of art and design in the country, and the nation’s first art school to grant a degree. MassArt offers a comprehensive range of undergraduate and graduate degrees in art, design, and art education, taught by world-class faculty.
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