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The Importance of Resources in Pursuing a Photography Degree

Woman stands with camera.
Photo by Kannetha Brown
  • Campus News

Recent Alumnae Kannetha Brown (BFA Photography ’23) spoke with The Phoblographer about her experience at MassArt and the importance of resource when it comes to pursuing a degree in photography.

She shares, “The most important part of deciding whether photo school is a right fit for you is to determine the fields you want to work in before you commit to anything at all…Utilize as many resources as you can while also making friends and connections. The ability to have a group of peers look at your work— whether you take their critique or not—is very important and teaches you how to become an artist.”

Brown’s work has been published on international platforms such as The Phoblographer, The New York TimesRolling StoneElle USA, and The Boston Globe.

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