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Studio Foundation

Studios, Labs, & Equipment

Studio Foundation has a dedicated equipment cage and resource room, form study lab, computer classrooms and department-run gallery.

As a student in MassArt’s Studio Foundation program, you are supported by academic spaces and resources that enrich your experience and artistic growth through a combination of tactile and technology based approaches. 

Students learn in studio classrooms that facilitate hands-on, practical learning in the principles of drawing and form study (2D design). They learn the foundational elements of two-dimensional design and time-based mediums in state-of-the-art computer labs and a resource center that provides equipment, printing, and technical support for class assignments. And, students are exposed to a wide range of perspectives through our dedicated gallery space, visiting artists and lecturer talks and studio visits, and in academic courses that are integrally connected to the first-year studio classes.

A sunlight art gallery with sculptures on display.
Brant Gallery

The Brant Gallery hosts lectures, workshops, interactive events, and provides exhibition opportunities by and for first year students.

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The Equipment Cage and Resource Room offers a range of digital and analog photo, video, and audio equipment, along with other resources that students may sign out. Students also have access to a Form Study Lab computer classrooms and large format printing for course assignments.

Check out what we’re making
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621 Huntington Ave,
Boston, MA 02115

(617) 879-7000