There’s something for everyone featured in this year’s Auction— browse the digital catalog on Bidsquare now to find your favorites and use the popular “Buy Now!” feature to make it yours!
Bid High, Bid Often & Buy Now!Thank you for your support. The 2025 MassArt Auction features around 300 works of art in a range of media from emerging to established artists. Auction artwork will be available for bidding online through Bidsquare beginning March 17.
There’s something for everyone featured in this year’s Auction— browse the digital catalog on Bidsquare now to find your favorites and use the popular “Buy Now!” feature to make it yours!
Bid High, Bid Often & Buy Now!Get a closer look at the 2025 Live Auction artwork! Take the 3D virtual tour of the Live Auction space and get a feel for the works in context before bidding. Navigate by utilizing the white circles on the floor or the arrows on your keypad to move around the room.
Take a 3D TourFlip through the official 2025 MassArt Auction program. Find Auction guidelines, event details, and a preview of all Live Auction artwork lots.
View the Live Auction ProgramNeil Adcock
Josef Albers
Gregory Amenoff
Martin R Anderson
Eva Anderson '26
Olga Antonova
Paul Arsenault '00
June August
Clint Baclawski M'08 (F/S)
Scott Bakal (F)
Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo M'08 (F)
Ros Barron '54
Mariel Bass '05
Thaddeus Beal*
Hanne Behrens
Anne Beinecke '92
François Bel
Belltooth '12 (S)
Christopher Ryan Benham '25
Kelly Bennett '93
Regina Berkeley '82
Peter Blake
Meryl Blinder
Mel Bochner
Via Boley '21
Barbara Bosworth (FE)
Ruth Bradshaw (S)*
Sage Brousseau
David Lloyd Brown '79
Elaine Buckholtz
Loui Burke '25
Brian Calvin
Cicely Carew '05 (F)
Keith Cerone '07
Karin Kajio Chan '25
Taiko Chandler
Sally Chapman
Caleb Charland '04
Petra Class
Catarina Coelho M'13 (F/S)
Ivan Cofield '08
Taylor Comisky '25
Diana Copperwhite
Keith Crofton '12*
Marcia Crumley
Julia Cseko
Olivia Leigh Curtis '22
Paul A. Daglieri Jr. M'93*
Sophia Dedek '25
Sara L. Delaney '03
Matt Demers
Tara Donovan
Rebecca Doughty
Mike E. Dunne '17
Tina Edelstein
Steven Edson '88
Doreen D Evangeline
Pat Falco '10
Chris Faust '89
Arline Fisch
Andrew Fish (F)
Louise Fishman
Ellie Fortier '19
Robert Freeman
Ariel Basson Freiberg
Nancy Friese
Arata Fuchi
Noah Gagnebin '27
Alex Gerasev (F)*
Timothy Gianelli
Charlotte Andry Gibbs '85
Leah Giberson '97
Lina Maria Giraldo '03
Marv Goldschmitt*
Leslie M.W. Graff
Bennett Graff
Julie S. Graham
Sophia Grausam '25
Taylor Green '26
Carolyn Mae Guerin '23
Hilde-Kari Guttormsen '15
Sean Hagan*
Elisa H. Hamilton '07 (FE)*
Vallerie Hammond*
Yo Ahn Han M'14 (F/S)
Eunseok Han
Darci Hanna M'24*
Rebecca Hannon
Wu Hanyen (F)
Nancy Hayes
Julian Hazard '24
Zoe Heimburg M'24
Nona Hershey (FE)
Jeffrey Heyne
Lucille R. Hickmott '25
Jenny Holzer
Lisa Houck (FE)
Peter Houk
Patrick Hughes
Caryl Hull-Leavitt
Sangbin IM
Ingunn Fjóla Ingþórsdóttir*
Yvonne Jacquette
Joel Janowitz
Lavaughan Jenkins '05
Haley Johnson '23
Eve Jones '24*
Michelle Jones M'05
Phillip Jones
Mark Joyce
Alison Judd M'07
Ryungjae Jung
Dinora Justice
Masako Kamiya M'99
JooLee Kang
Janet Kawada '92 (FE)*
TJ Kelley III '13
Ellsworth Kelly
Ian Kennelly '94*
Masha Keryan '16
Soojin Kim
Matthew King '10
Stefanie Klavens
Colomba Klenner '25
Lindsey Kocur
Takashi Kojima
Keira Kotler
Niho Kozuru
Richard Kravitz '76
Seulgi Kwon
Zenobia Lakdawalla M'98*
Kirstin Lamb
E. R. Lang '26
Namkyung Lee
Rick Legge
Magda Leon M'24
Eric Lewandowski '97
Sol LeWitt
Andy Li '12
Fred HC Liang (F)
Izzy Liberti '19
Robert Linsky*
Obi Little '16
Bianca Lobodin '25
Lara Loutrel '00
Kathrine Lovell
Alysia Macaulay
Asagi Maeda
Katrina Majkut
Robert Maloney '96 M'14 (F)
Robert Mangold
Kelvin Mann
Eva Maskalenko '18
Rania Matar (FE)
Jane Maxwell*
Nancy McCarthy '99
Elizabeth McDevitt
Declan McEnerney '27
Fish McGill '04 M'14 (F/S)*
Campbell-Lynn McLean '22
Carrie Megan
Donna-Marie Mironchuk '79
William Mitchell*
Kayla Mohammadi (F)
Farid Mokari '19
Sarah Ellen Montrond '19
Cheyenne Montville '26
Behnaz Monzavi (S)
Colin Moore '08
Sally B. Moore '88 M'00
Mark Mulligan*
Matt Murphy '03 (F)
Wangechi Mutu
Nancy Natale '88
Lauren Nauman
Kim Nogueira
Dan Nolin '25
nsanji M'26*
Ashley Normal '07 M'15
Dave N '28
Trisha O’Neill '12
Makiko Oda
Sue Oehme
Scott Offen M'24*
Ted Ollier M'09*
Julian Opie
Felipe Ortiz '09
Emi Ozawa
Ross Ozer
Becca Parker '23
Carlos Paronis '24
Rachel Paxton
Nanette Pengelley '15
Zoe Perry-Wood '81
Sanika Phawde (F)
Morgan Pietrorazio '25
Oneil Pimentel
Liliana Porter*
Eli Portman
Jackie Powell '25
Neal Preston
Jacqueline Priola '25
Deb Putnam '78
Jameel Radcliffe
Richard Raiselis
Rosie Ranauro '11
C. Raughley '26
Jayne Redman
Shelley Reed
John Rego '18 (F)
Astrid Reischwitz
Megan Remington '25
Chelsea Revelle '07
Robin Reynolds '90
Ellen M. Rich M'79
Sean Riley '99
Pierce Ritchey '26
Kathleen Robbins M'95 (FE)
Stephanie Roberts-Camello
Terrance Robinson
Asher Ryan
Sarah Ryan-Theroux '04
Yuka Saito
Otto Sawtelle '26
Lucio Schaffter '25
Sharon Schindler*
Nicci Sevier-Vuyk
Paul Shakespear
Ellen Shattuck Pierce
Emily Shedlock
Dana Sherwood
Nenyasha T. Shoko M'26
Anastasia Sierra M'26*
Shahzia Sikander
Leslie Sills
Grace Sinclair '24
Neetu Singhal M'20*
Beverly Sky '26*
Candice Smith Corby M'01
Kyleigh Sofferman '25
Gabriel Sosa (F)
Anjali Srinivasan (F)
Steve Stankiewicz
Courtney Stock M'17
Tom Stocker
Christopher Sullivan '90 (F)
Donald Sultan
Mariko Sumioka
Hiromi Suter
Hansel Tai
Johnny Tang
Elisa Tenenbaum
Tore Terrasi (F)*
Shailee Thakkar M'26
Freddy Thomas '22 (S)*
Margery Thomas Mueller*
John Thompson M'05 (FE)*
Bill Thompson
Stephanie Todhunter
Yuri Tozuka '09
Emily Trenholm*
Yvonne Troxell Lamothe '98 M'08*
Nan Tull
James Turrell
Felieke van der Leest
Carlos Villamil '12*
John Vinton
E. K. M. Watson '19
Joseph Webster '15
William Wegman '65*
Kevin Whitman '15*
Antoinette M Winters
Sharmini Wirasekara
Luanne E Witkowski '86 (F/S)*
Haley Wood '21
Helena Wurzel
Susan York
Mark Zieff
Andy Zimmermann M'03*
Brian Zink
Andrew Zou M'25
*Indicates artists who have graciously donated 100% of the proceeds of the sale of their artwork to student scholarships and academic programs.
‘YR: MassArt Student/Alumnus/a
M: MassArt Masters Degree
(F): MassArt Faculty
(S): MassArt Staff
(FE): MassArt Faculty Emeritus/a
Artwork featured above: Nona Hershey, Intrusion, Courtesy of the artist. Lot 329 featured in this year’s Silent Auction. William Wegman ‘65, Dawn and Up, 2006. Courtesy of the artist. Lot 28 featured in this year’s Live Auction. Felipe Ortiz M’08, Pollinator, 2022. Courtesy of the artist. Lot 21 featured in this year’s Live Auction. Cover of the printed program designed by Mayra Campos‘23.