
An inclusive education for individuals with intellectual disabilities and/or autism.
As an Aspire@MassArt student, you will enroll in one class each semester, attend a weekly seminar led by the Aspire@MassArt Coordinator, take an on-campus job, and participate in extracurricular activities at MassArt and the Colleges of The Fenway.
Increase your academic, social, and career outcomes by sharing the same experiences as your college peers and enrolling in undergraduate courses as a non degree-seeking student.
To be eligible for Aspire@MassArt, you must meet one of the following criteria:
- A current high school student, age 18-22, who has not passed the MCAS exam and is eligible for special education services as documented through an Individualized Education Program (IEP); or,
- A current high school student, age 20-21, who has passed the MCAS, but is still eligible for special education as documented through an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
- An individual over the age of 22, who is supported by Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and/or Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MassRehab).
If you are an eligible student interested in taking part in Aspire@MassArt please discuss this option with your school district or adult service coordinator. To be considered for the program you must complete an application, which includes a digital portfolio and interview with the Aspire@MassArt Coordinator.
- First Time Undergraduates
- Transfer Students
- Re-admission Candidates
- International Students
- Graduate Students
- Certificate Students
- Resources for Veterans
- Admissions Policies
- Meet the Admissions Team
- Admissions Events
- Resources for Teachers & Counselors
- Accepted Students
- Schedule Your Visit
- Request Information