Schedule academic advising, writing support, or peer appointments.
Schedule NowOur academic advisors work with you to identify your educational, personal and artistic goals and to connect you with the resources and people who can help you reach those goals. The ARC also provides students with programs like the writing center and success coaching.
While your faculty advisor is your primary source of information on the curriculum, academic advisors in the ARC can assist you in navigating the extensive resources offered by MassArt and provide connection to courses available through the Colleges of the Fenway and the Pro-Arts Consortium.
We can assist you with some of the challenges you may face as a student including:
We encourage you to explore tutoring resources at the ARC. Drop in at Kennedy 230 or
schedule an appointment in advance at massart.edu/arc-appt. Questions? You may
reach us at arc@massart.edu or 617-879-7280.
Writing tutors work with you to develop written communication skills to help you succeed throughout MassArt and beyond. All college related writing projects are eligible to be reviewed by a tutor including general course assignments, research papers, artist statements, grant proposals, internship applications, and cover letters.
Working with you on a one-to-one basis, Success Coaches introduce strategies such as time management, self-motivation, confidence building, and study skills to bring about project completion. Success Coaches encourage you to become actively engaged in the learning process and to develop academic self-advocacy.
PALs are trained undergraduate student advisors who can provide you with class registration support, mentoring, and logistical assistance.
Schedule academic advising, writing support, or peer appointments.
Schedule NowOur team is eager to work with you and committed to your success.
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