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Krina Patel Visiting Lecturer, Humanities
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    • Doctor of Education - Ed.D, Cognition, Learning & Communities of Practice, Harvard University, Cambridge MA
    • M.Ed., Learning and Cognition, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge MA
    • M.Ed., Technology, Innovation & Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge MA
    • M.S.Ed. General Studies in Education, Bank Street College of Education, New York, NY
    • Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions Certificate (CBT) in Counseling Psychology, Boston University, Boston MA

Krina Patel, a practicing multimedia artist and researcher, designs and develops inclusive community-based arts projects collaboratively with educators and healthcare practitioners.

Dr. Patel’s work is informed by her research on learning and cognition, completed at Harvard University where she studied the role of the body and senses in artisanal and skilled manual work. Krina’s passion for the arts in learning, healing, and well-being comes from her experiences practicing and promoting the creative arts in a range of settings from schools to neighborhoods, and with diverse groups, including immigrant communities in the United States and disability communities in South Asia.

Dr. Patel’s current project, “Our Health, Our Memories, Our Stories” creates awareness among healthcare providers and the local community of residents of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, Asian and Latin diaspora about the importance of arts, culture, and living heritage in mental health and well-being. Krina creates opportunities for engaging in creative expression and cultural experiences that invite participation from all.

At MassArt, Krina teaches Arts Interventions in Healing and Well-Being, a new studio course in the Humanities Department.

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Boston, MA 02115

(617) 879-7000