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Federico di Lallo Visiting Lecturer, Architecture
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    • M.Arch. "G.D'Annunzio" University, Italy - Ph.D in Architecture and Urban Design "G.D'Annunzio" University, Italy

Federico di Lallo graduated with honors from the University of Pescara “Gabriele D’Annunzio” in Pescara, Italy. Following research at the University of Toronto as an International Visiting Graduate Student (IVGS), he received his Ph.D. with International Title from the “Gabriele D’Annunzio” School of Advanced Studies. He has been a research fellow at the same university. In his ten years of academic activity in Italy, di Lallo has supported students in the master’s degree program in “Urban and Architectural Design Studio”; with studies focused on the evolutionary dynamics and manifestations of disuse, his research, both national and international, addresses issues of regeneration of urban contexts and fragile territories. By reading urban landscapes and vacant architecture through the lens of underutilization, abandonment, decay and neglect, dormant potential can be reimagined, using methodologies of recycling and reuse. On these same themes, he is co-supervisor of several dissertations that serve as palimpsests in a multi-scalar perspective. His professional activity is based on architectural design (public and private residential construction – social housing, design of places of worship, exhibition halls and public buildings), landscape design (landform, landscape art, gardens, environmental infrastructure) and finally urban design. In 2022, he will graduate in Civil Engineering with the environmental curriculum to enrich his coursework on current topics in the area of sustainability.

Industry Experience

Selected Publications, Presentations, and Media (top five most topical/current only)

2019, “Gli opifici abruzzesi dismessi lungo la linea di costa”, in L. Pignatti, F. Angelucci, P. Rovigatti, M. Villani (curated by), IFAU 2018 PESCARA TERRITORI FRAGILI/FRAGILE TERRITORIES, Gangemi International, Roma, 2019, p.311, ISBN 978-88-492-3668-2. 2018 Illustration Project M. di Venosa, M. Morrica, Rigenerare territori fragili. Strategie e progetti, Aracne, 2018. ISBN 978-88-255-1322-6. 2016 Graphic designer for the scientific paper “Il distretto creativo per l’area golenale di Pescara” in Pignatti, L. (2016). Pescara Città Adriatica Creativa, in AA.VV., VersoPescara2027 – Dossier di Ricerca, Gangemi Editore, p. 146. ISBN 978-88-492-3278-3. 2015 Project “ArcoDotto” , “Workshop-Concorso didattico sul riuso dell’ex carcere maschile”, in P. Belardi, V. Menchetelli, Kultur Fabrik Perugia. Ricercare, rilevare, rigenerare l’ex carcere maschile di Perugia, Il Formichiere, Foligno, pp. 94, 96-99. ISBN 978-88-98428-27-4. 2015 Project “PMO/RE-VERSE, Hyper-cycling Costa Sud new urban metabolism”, in M. Carta, B. Lino (curated by), Re-cycle Italy – XV volume. “URBAN HYPER-METABOLISM” (Progetto di Interesse Nazionale 2013-2014), Aracne Editrice. ISBN: 978-88-548-8654-4. 2014 Project “HYDRA”, in L. Pignatti (curated by), Project along the coastline: Adriatic identities, LISt, Trento, p. 235-237. ISBN 978-88-987-7424-1. 2014 Rigenerazione Urbana e Riciclo del Patrimonio Industriale del Can Ricart, categoria “Ricerca”, in AA.VV., Architettura e città, quaderni di Architettura&città, Di Baio Editore, Milano, ISBN 978-88-749-9296-6. 2014 Rigenerazione Urbana e Riciclo del Patrimonio Industriale del Can Ricart, categoria “Tesi di Laurea. Final Year Thesis Project” in AA.VV., Yearbook 13 14 Architectural Design, Lettera Ventidue, Palermo, pp. 166, 167. ISBN 978-88-624-2148-5. 2014 Project “HYDRA”, in L. Pignatti (curated by), Progetti lungo la linea di costa: IDENTITÀ ADRIATICHE, LISt, Trento, pp. 235-237. ISBN 978-88-987-7413-5. 2007 Project “Casa sul lungofiume”, in «Mente Locale» n.1 (2007), pp.68-69. Contributions in books (chapter or Essay) 2019 The Depth of Abandoned Infrastructures in L. Zazzara (curated by), Isthmus, Territories and Urban Cultures of Mediterranean, Carsa Edizioni, Pescara, 2019. ISBN: 978-88-501-0381-2. 2019 “La dismissione industriale abruzzese tra il 1800 e il 1900 in prossimità della linea di costa” in L. Pignatti, F. Angelucci, P. Rovigatti, M. Villani (curated by), IFAU 2018 PESCARA TERRITORI FRAGILI/FRAGILE TERRITORIES. Gangemi International, Roma, 2019. ISBN 978-88-492-3668-2. 2019 “Il GRA e il suo doppio: la Green belt come strategia di rigenerazione urbana e territoriale” in L. Pignatti, F. Angelucci, P. Rovigatti, M. Villani (curated by), IFAU 2018 PESCARA TERRITORI FRAGILI/FRAGILE TERRITORIES. Gangemi International, Roma, 2019. ISBN 978-88-492-3668-2. 11 2019 “Monuments to Time” in L. Pignatti, S. Gruosso (curated by), Sarajevo. An account of a city. Lettera Ventidue, Roma, 2019. ISBN 9788862423823. 2017 “Ponti della Conoscenza. Le rotte delle informazioni attraversano l’Adriatico”, in L. Pignatti, S. Gruosso (curated by) Crossing Signtlines. Traguardare l’Adriatico (Volume n.35 della Collana Re-Cycle Italy, Ricerca Nazionale PRIN), Aracne, Roma, pp. 185-201. ISBN 978-88-255-0268-8. 2017 “MappaMonti. Mappatura come intelligenza competitiva: rigenerazione urbana 2.0”, in M. Carta, A. Contato. M. Orlando (curated by), Pianificare l’innovazione locale. Strategie e progetti per lo sviluppo locale creativo: l’esperienza del SicaniLab, Franco Angeli, Milano, pp.180-182,185. ISBN 978-88-917-4311-4. 2017 “Open Cultural Cities. Rigenerazione urbana multiscalare”, in AA.VV., Atti della XIX Conferenza Nazionale SIU. Cambiamenti. Responsabilità e strumenti per l’urbanistica a servizio del paese. Catania, 16-18 giugno 2016, Planum Publisher, Roma-Milano, pp.1330-1334. ISBN 978-88-992-3708-0. 2016 “Il rilancio dell’esistente” in A. Clementi, C. Pozzi (curated by), Progettare per il futuro della città. Un laboratorio per Chieti, Quodlibet studio, Macerata, pp. 204-207. ISBN 978-88-746-2774-5 Curatorship 2018 C. Cellucci, C. Di Girolamo, F. di Lallo, S. Gruosso (curated by), “Territori Fragili / Fragile Territories. IFAU 2018 2nd International Forum Architecture and urbanism – Abstract Preceding Book”, Gangemi Editore, Roma. ISBN 978-88-492-3669-9. Mentions in books as a member of working groups in Research Units, Sector Studies, and Projects 2019 Member of a research group al Workshop Reinterpretare le città invisibili di Italo Calvino del Prof. Arch. Lorenzo Pignatti. Dda Unich Pescara, Yearbook 16 17 Architectural Design, Lettera Ventidue, pp. 47, 52. ISBN: 978-88-6242-338-0. 2017 Member of a research group Dda Unich Pescara, Yearbook 15 16 Architectural Design, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, pag.95. ISBN: 978-88-6242-232-1. 2017 Member of a research group Expo dopo Expo. Fare paesaggio: nuove forme residenziali e spazi pubblici di connessione; Laureande: Roberta Bomba, Francesca Perrucci; Relatore: Prof. Arch. Lorenzo Pignatti. Dda Unich Pescara, Yearbook 15 16 Architectural Design, Lettera Ventidue, p.134. ISBN: 978-88-6242-232-1. 2016 Member of a research group “Fare città” del Prof. Lorenzo Pignatti. Dda Unich Pescara, Yearbook 14 15 Architectural Design, Lettera Ventidue, Siracusa, p. 47. ISBN: 978-88-624-2185-0. 2016 Member of a research group “Pescara città creativa e produttore dell’elaborato grafico del Distretto creativo per l’area golenale di Pescara” AA.VV., VersoPescara2027. Dossier di ricerca, Gangemi Editore International Publishing, Roma, p.136. ISBN: 978-88-493-278-3. 2016 Tutor and Member of a research group. Clementi, Alberto; Pozzi, Carlo (curated by), Parco Archeologico dei Sapori, in M. Angrilli (curated by), Progettare per il futuro della città. Un laboratorio per Chieti, Quodlibet Studio, Macerata, pag.126-128. ISBN: 978-88-746-2774-5. 2013 Member of a research group. M. Angrilli (curated by), XV Conferenza SIU- L’urbanistica che cambia, rischi e valori, Franco Angeli, Milano, p.4. ISBN: 978-88-204-1556-3. 2013 Member of a research group in La salvaguardia del paesaggio in Calabria: studio delle metodologie applicative e del complesso normativo specifico per beni vincolati a supporto della pianificazione paesistica regionale. A. Clementi (curated by), “Paesaggi interrotti. Territorio e Pianificazione nel Mezzogiorno”, Donzelli editore, Pomezia (RM), p.150. ISBN: 978-88-603-6844-7. 2011 Member of a research group. M. Angrilli (curated by), Il paesaggio tutelato della Calabria, Gangemi editore, Roma, p.1. ISBN: 978-88-492-2402-3. 2009 Member of a research group, A. Casciana (curated by), Laboratorio sperimentale del Paesaggio, infrastrutture nei paesaggi protetti, SALA editori, Pescara, p. 2. ISBN: 978-88-963-3800-1. 12 2008 Member of a research group. R. Corrado, M. Scotti, Laboratorio del Paesaggio, indirizzi e progetti per le aree protette marchigiane, Il lavoro editoriale, Urbania, pag.149-154. ISBN: 978-88-766-3441-3. The publication was written as part of the project entitled: Progetto di Cooperazione Interterritoriale Iniziativa Comunitaria Leader+. Laboratorio del Progetto e del Paesaggio in collaboration with l’Unità di Ricerca, Dipartimento Ambiente, Reti e Territorio and Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara.

2019 Finalist in the International Design Competition YAC Common ruins – France on the theme of the functional and landscape reconversion of the Château Gotico de mothe Chandenier. 2019 Second Classified with Co-advisor role for the thesis “A Green Belt for Rome”, majoring: A. Bonora, M. Catamo, C. Carbotti, M. Cardone. Graduation Thesis Award, NIB – New Italian Blood. 2018 First prize of the winning project of the Open Procedure Design Competition in two stages for the construction of the new health and social services center in the municipality of Castiglione del Lago (PG). The conversion of a former disused public warehouse and attention to environmental design in relation to the landscape value context were addressed. 2018 Excellent mark in the dissertion of the thesis of Doctoral research “Thinking about disuse. Theories and methods against the disinterest” discussed at the University of Studies “G. D’Annunzio”. 2015 First prize of the “Advanced Training Course on Territorial Innovation – Bivona School. Innovation and Creativity in the Sicilian territory”, Director Prof. Arch. Maurizio Carta. They addressed the issues of the fragility of urban, cultural, and socio-economic contexts, and the regeneration of the Sicano Territory through the proposal of a new model of investigation and analogue restitution, digital and increased information about the categories of reading and evolution of the context being studied. The conversion of disused areas was the central concept of the model proposed and awarded. 2015 Winner of the scholarship for the activity of tutoring in the dress of the structure of high education “PESCARA SUMMER SCHOOL”- Department of Architecture, University “G. D’Annunzio”, Pescara. 2013 Certificate of merit from the Faculty of Architecture of the University G. D’Annunzio following the selection and exhibition of its project for the Integrated Laboratory of Planning and Urban Planning on the occasion of the 13th edition of the INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF ARCHITECTURE OF THE BIENNALE OF VENICE 2012 10 “COMMON GROUND” Directed by DAVID CHIPPERFIELD – Italian Pavilion – Biennale Seminar session for Italian universities. 2016 Winner of the scholarship for the activity of tutoring in the dress of the structure of high education “PESCARA SUMMER SCHOOL”- Department of Architecture, University “G. D’Annunzio”, Pescara. 2017 Winner of the scholarship for the activity of tutoring in the dress of the structure of high education “PESCARA SUMMER SCHOOL”- Department of Architecture, University “G. D’Annunzio”, Pescara.

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