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Anri Wheeler Visiting Lecturer, Humanities

Anri Wheeler is a writer, educator, and mother to three strong daughters. She teaches writing at MassArt and GrubStreet, and facilitates workshops on identity and social justice as co-founder of Beyond Binaries Consulting. She is a graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, GrubStreet’s Memoir Incubator, Tin House, and VONA, and is working on a memoir about race, class, and mermaids. Her essays and book reviews have appeared in LitHubThe Boston GlobeThe IndependentHippocampus, and Romper, among others. She is the reviews editor at Pangyrus magazine.

When not writing or teaching, she is energized by running and (channeling her time as a pastry cook) baking for loved ones. Born and raised in New York City, Anri lives in Massachusetts with her family.

At MassArt, Anri teaches in the first year writing program titled Thinking Making Writing.

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