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Types of Aid

Information about the financial aid opportunities available for Graduate Students.
As a MassArt graduate student, you have a wide variety of aid options. Financial aid comes in different forms and from different sources, each with specific qualifications and repayment requirements.
Graduate Scholarships
Once you are admitted to a Graduate program, you will be automatically reviewed for all available scholarship opportunities.
If you have any questions about graduate scholarships, please reach out to Graduate Admissions.
If you have any questions about graduate scholarships, please reach out to Graduate Admissions.
The Patricia Doran Scholarship
The Patricia A. Doran Scholarship was established by Douglas Govan in memory of his wife, Patricia Doran, former Dean of Graduate and Continuing Education at MassArt.
The scholarship is approximately $1,000 per year for a student in the MFA program.
The Pace Scholarship
The Pace Scholarship was established by Arne Glimcher ’60, one of MassArt’s most successful alumni. Mr. Glimcher founded the Pace Gallery in New York City.
The scholarship is approximately $5,000 per year for a student in the MFA program.
The Creamer Foundation Scholarship
The Creamer Foundation Scholarships was established in memory of George Creamer, former Dean of Graduate Programs, professor and Dean Emeritus.
This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduate student who demonstrates financial need and is seeking an MFA degree.
The scholarship is approximately $900 per year for a student in the MFA program.
The Slosburg-Ackerman Scholarship
The Slosburg-Ackerman Scholarship was established to honor Jill Slosburg-Ackerman, former professor, and MFA 3D Program Director.
This award is given in alternating years to a member of the 3D graduate and 3D undergraduate programs, based on merit, financial need, and with a priority given to a member of an underrepresented group.
The scholarship is approximately $1,450 per year for a student in the MFA program.
Vision Foundation Scholarship
The Vision Scholarship will support students who are financially and academically deserving and who demonstrate the potential to make a significant contribution to society through art and design.
Preference will be given to students from underrepresented groups who contribute to MassArt’s commitment to the inclusion of diverse perspectives and voices.
The scholarship is approximately $800 per year for a student in a Master’s program.
MassArt Scholarship for Graduate Study in Photography
Massachusetts College of Art and Design is pleased to announce the MassArt Scholarship for Graduate Study in Photography, established with a seed gift of $500,000 from an anonymous donor.
This new fund will expand access to the prestigious MFA in Photography program by offering scholarships to all accepted MFA Photography students starting in the fall of 2023.
The Casey Blake Ausman Scholarhip Fund
The Casey Blake Ausman endowment was established to honor the memory of Casey Blake Ausman, M’16.
This scholarship will provide support for a MassArt graduate student focusing their practice in Sculpture.
This is a fitting tribute that perpetuates the memory of Casey by providing much-needed scholarship support for a deserving student.
Community Jameel x MassArt MassArt Documentary Film Fellowship
Details coming soon!
Federal Student Loans
Federal Direct Stafford Loans
Graduate students are eligible to borrow up to $20,500 in a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan in one academic year, regardless of financial need. In order to receive a Stafford Loan, you must be enrolled for at least six credits per semester and must be maintaining satisfactory academic progress.
Students borrow directly from the U.S. Department of Education, and repay to an approved Federal Student Aid Loan Servicer, while our office originates and processes the loan.
You are responsible for the interest accruing while they are enrolled in school, during grace periods, and during authorized deferment periods.
During this time, you may either pay the accumulating interest or capitalize the interest. Capitalization means the unpaid interest will be added to the principal balance of the loan at the beginning of the repayment period.
Your repayment period will begin 6 months after you graduate, withdraw, or drop to less than half-time enrollment. Student loans have varying repayment terms and interest rates and must be repaid.
You can view the current Federal interest rates (link) and fees (link) on
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
The Graduate PLUS Loan Program is for graduate students who need additional assistance to supplement their financial aid package.
The Federal Direct PLUS Loan program enables students to borrow directly from the U.S. Department of Education and repay to an approved Federal Student Aid Loan Servicer, while our office originates and processes the loan.
Your maximum eligibility for a PLUS loan is your cost of attendance, minus any aid you are receiving.
To be eligible for a Graduate PLUS loan, you must:
- Pass a credit check
- Be enrolled in at least six credits per term
- Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (link to MassArt SAP)
Loan Repayment
Repayment begins 60 days from the date the loan is fully disbursed, but as long as you are enrolled in school on at least a half-time basis, you are eligible for an in-school deferment.
While in deferment, you have the option to pay off the accumulating interest or postpone payments on your Graduate PLUS Loan until you graduate or drop below half-time status. Officially, your first payment will be due within 45 days after the deferment end date.
If you have any questions about the repayment of your Graduate PLUS Loan, you may contact the Direct Loan Servicing Center at 1 (800) 848-0979
Private Student Loans
Alternative Loan Programs
Alternative Loans are available for Graduate students, should you need additional financial assistance to supplement your financial aid package.
Your maximum eligibility for an alternative loan is your cost of attendance, minus any aid you are receiving.
Alternative Loans are not based on need, but on credit worthiness. We recommend that you carefully compare various factors like interest rates, APR (Annual Percentage Rate), the length of repayment, minimum and maximum loan limits, and fees, when researching lenders.
Alternative Loan Process
We encourage students to apply for only one or two alternative loans each year. Each application shows up on your credit report as a “hard inquiry.” Too many hard inquiries over fourteen or more days can impact your overall credit score.
If you apply and are approved for more than one alternative loan, please let our office know which one you wish to borrow. Otherwise, we will certify the first application we receive, and cancel any others.
Our office will certify all loans to disburse for all semesters the student is scheduled to enroll for, unless otherwise notified by the student. You should notify our office if you would like a different disbursement schedule after you have completed the application process.
Some lenders may require a student to sign a check. If you need to sign an alternative loan check, our office will communicate with you via your MassArt email.
These lenders offer private student loans with competitive rates while providing good customer service and electronic loan processing.
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate assistantships provide a supervised opportunity for graduate students to gain experience in teaching, research, studio management and/or curatorial support or administration.
The MassArt Graduate Programs fund a range of opportunities each semester to students from all programs, providing an important workforce to the college, offering valuable professional and academic experience to our grads, and building long-term relationships with MassArt faculty and staff.
Graduate assistantships are currently paid at a rate of $18/hour, and involve an average of 3-10 hours of work per week, depending on the nature of the position.
Assistantship opportunities are offered directly by faculty/staff and via a list of open positions sent by the Graduate Programs Office prior to the start of each semester. Graduate students apply for approved positions directly with supervising faculty/staff based on their interests, skill-sets, and professional goals.
There are two main types of Graduate Assistantships. All positions require that you be in good academic standing and enrollment in a minimum of 9 credits:
Teaching Assistants
TAs are offered targeted academic training opportunities, working under the supervision and mentorship of a faculty member. In most instances, TAs are assigned to a particular course. In limited cases, students are selected for one of our competitive expanded assistantship positions, working with a faculty member across courses and sections, providing a range of support both in and out of the classroom.
TAs receive practical pedagogical experience in higher education while also making an important contribution to the educational experience of the students they serve. Faculty select their TA’s subject to approval by the Graduate Programs Resource Coordinator and Dean of Graduate Studies.
Administrative/Technical/Research Assistants
GAs (Graduate Assistants) provide management, academic, technical, curatorial, and operational support to a range of offices, programs, studios, labs, and galleries at the College, and may report to administrators, faculty, or other College personnel. The GA experience provides training in higher education administration and builds competencies consistent with the student’s academic and/or professional objectives. A list of available GA positions for which you may apply is sent to all current and incoming students by the Graduate Programs Office prior to the start of each semester.
All MFA (including Low-Residency and DMI), MDES, Graduate Art Education, and MArch students enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits and in good academic standing are eligible to apply for graduate assistantships.
Each semester, several opportunities for teaching assistantships are offered by our Studio Foundation department. The Studio Foundation curriculum introduces undergraduate students to a variety of studio techniques and media and the stages of the creative process, from inception to design, construction, presentation, critique and revision.
Graduate Assistants advise students on class work, assist in dialogue with instructors about the curriculum, program, facilities and equipment, assist with research, and give in-class presentations or demonstrations of a technique in an area of their expertise.
Prior to the start of each semester, (approximately mid-August for Fall and mid-December for Spring), the Graduate Office sends a list of available positions (TA and GA) to all current and incoming students, including dates/times, course or office name, hours, expectations, faculty contact info, skills required for the position, and anticipated skills gained.
If you’re interested, you will reach out directly to the supervising faculty/staff to apply, usually with a resume and/or work sample. You are expected to have demonstrated skills and knowledge in the course content area.
In some cases, particularly for upper-level undergrad courses, faculty invite specific graduate students to act as a TA, which eliminates the application process, provided that the position has been approved by the graduate dean.
You should reach out to the Graduate Office and also your program coordinators for advice on which offices, departments, or faculty might be a good fit.
The Graduate Office, via Academic Affairs, sends a call to all faculty and staff each semester for Graduate Assistant Requests. Submissions (via Qualtrics survey) must be submitted by the stated deadline, and are reviewed by the Graduate Dean and are subject to approval. Faculty/staff submitting a request for a graduate assistant should expect to outline relevant details (dates/times/hours) and provide a position description and outline of skills required and anticipated skills gained. Faculty/staff who have a specific student in mind for a position must complete the request form, where they can indicate the name of the specific student requested. Submission of a request does not guarantee that the position will be approved or filled.
The primary role of a Teaching Assistant is to provide supplemental instruction that benefits the class as a whole and/or individual students. All TA sessions should be conducted in a public location and not in residence hall rooms. The faculty member is responsible for assigning the final grade on each assignment, quiz, and homework (even if the TA marks it first). The faculty member makes all ultimate decisions related to partial credit.
If a disciplinary situation arises, TAs should contact their faculty member. If a student in your class requires additional academic support, please refer them to Academic Resource Center, in consultation with your supervising faculty.
TA responsibilities include:
- Facilitation of class discussions
- Participation in critiques
- Directing peer led team learning
- Assisting with exam preparation
- Reviewing and commenting on drafts of work
- Correcting objective assignments, quizzes, and homework
- Providing studio and lab support for students
- Assisting with co-curricular activities
- Conducting course related research
- Technical Assistance for Faculty (though this should not be the TA’s primary/sole role)
The primary role of a Graduate Assistant is to provide management, academic, technical, curatorial, and operational support to a range of offices, programs, studios, labs, and galleries at the College. GAs often interact with undergraduate students in campus shops, work with other members of the college staff, and coordinate with area-specific faculty and/or studio managers, depending on the nature of the position.
Examples of past GA responsibilities include:
- Monitoring of open studio times in campus shops/labs
- Facilitating training sessions for UG students in campus shops/labs
- Assisting with office management, organization, and communications
- Assisting with campus galleries (install/deinstall of exhibitions, promotion, submission surveys, etc.)
- Maintain and update technology resources
- Providing studio and/or lab support for students
- Creating visual assets for marketing of programs and events
Faculty mentor TAs by including them in the teaching and learning process. Some faculty include their TAs in developing the course itself, leading class discussions, supporting special projects outside of class, and providing valuable feedback to students during the semester. Faculty determine how the TA will contribute to the course and establish mutually-agreeable expectations/outcomes for improved teaching and learning in the course.
Supervisors mentor GAs by providing overviews and specific insights into the working processes of labs, shops, galleries, office, and academic programs. GAs are provided with both real-world working experience and thoughtful feedback on their performance and progress.
The Grad Assistant’s role and hours can be flexible, including assisting across multiple class sections and days of the week.
The maximum number of hours that a student can work for a single graduate assistantship varies by position. Assistantship hours do not need to be distributed evenly week-to-week. Students can work more hours in one week, but less in the next, depending on the schedule agreed upon with the supervisor. Standard positions are generally an average of 5hrs per week. Our limited expanded positions may include as many as 7-10hrs per week.
Grad Assistantship positions are paid a rate of $18.00/hr
Most graduate students work 1-2 assistantships per semester, depending on their schedule, course load, and available positions. With rare exceptions, graduate students may not work more than 8 total assistantships over the course of their degree program.
While the Graduate Assistantship program provides an invaluable workforce to the College, these positions are viewed not only as jobs, but as rich learning and community-building experiences for grad students. All grad assistants should carefully consider the balance of their coursework and their assistantships, with the former as their priority.
The position commences on the first day of classes and ends on the last day of classes. Any hours outside of those parameters require approval from Graduate Programs.
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