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Estimated Cost of Attendance by Graduate Program

Below, find a breakdown of the estimated cost of attendance by program based on the per credit cost of $885 and the average number of credits taken in each academic year.

The per credit cost above is the 2024/2025 academic year rate. Rates for the 2025/2026 academic year will be set in April.

Master of Architecture, Track 1 (3-year program)
Master of Architecture, Track 1 (3-year program)Year 1
42 credits
Year 2
48 credits
Year 3
12 credits
Student Charges$37,170$42,480$10,620
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment$3,000$3,000$1,000
Living expenses (housing and food)$17,178$17,178$6,135
Miscellaneous personal expenses$11,130$11,130$3,975
Master of Architecture, Track 2
(2-Year Program)
Year 1
48 credits
Year 2
12 credits
Student Charges$42,480$10,620
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment$3,000$1,000
Living expenses (housing and food)$17,178$6,135
Miscellaneous personal expenses$11,130$3,975

Master of Arts, 1 Year, BFA/MA 4+1 Program
Master of Arts (1 Year)
BFA/MA 4+1 Program
Year 1
30 credits
Student Charges$26,550
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment $3,000
Living expenses (housing and food)$17,178
Miscellaneous personal expenses$11,130

Master of Arts in Teaching, 1 Year Program, BFA/MA 4+1
Master of Arts in Teaching (1 Year)
BFA/MAT 4+1 Program
Year 1
30 credits
Student Charges$26,550
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment $3,000
Living expenses (housing and food)$17,178
Miscellaneous personal expenses$11,130
Master of Arts in Teaching, 2-Year Program
Master of Arts in Teaching (2-Year Program)Year 1
18 credits
Year 2
18 credits
Student Charges$15,930$15,930
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment $2,000$2,000
Living expenses (housing and food)$12,270$11,043
Miscellaneous personal expenses$7,950$7,155

Master of Design Innovation
Master of Design, Design InnovationYear 1
31 credits
Year 2
29 credits
Student Charges$27,435$25,665
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment$2,000$2,000
Living expenses (housing and food)$12,270$12,270
Miscellaneous personal expenses$7,950$7,950

Master of Fine Arts Programs (Including DMI, but not Low Residency)
Master of Fine Arts Programs (Including DMI, but not Low Residency)All MFA
Including 2-Year DMI
(Not Low Residency)
30 credits
3-Year MFA-DMI
Year 1
24 credits
3-Year MFA-DMI
Year 2 & 3
18 credits
Student Charges$26,550$21,240$15,930
Books, course materials, supplies and
Living expenses (housing and food)$12,270$12,270$12,270
Miscellaneous personal expenses$7,950$7,950$7,950

Master of Fine Arts, Low Residency Program
Master of Fine Arts, Low ResidencyYear 1
25 credits
Year 2
26 credits
Year 3
9 credits
Student Charges$23,895 $20,355$5,310
Books, course materials, supplies and equipment$3,000$3,000$1,000
Living expenses (housing and food)$17,178$17,178$4,908
Miscellaneous personal expenses$11,130$11,130$3,180

Additional Fees

Additional fees for specific programs, courses, and late Thesis completion are not included in the listed per-credit fee and the anticipated total program tuition and fees. 

  • Photography Student Ink Fee – $600 charged in the fall and spring terms to students who are enrolled in the MFA Photography and Post-Baccalaureate Photography programs ($1,200 in an academic year)
  • M.Arch Thesis Continuation Fee – $500 charged to M.Arch students working to complete the Thesis in a term after enrollment in the final thesis course

Health Insurance

If you are enrolled in nine or more credits, you must enroll in the MassArt’s Health Insurance Plans OR submit an insurance waiver.

If your program begins in the summer term, you will be charged for each month you are enrolled in summer classes. 

You will be charged in the fall for the full academic year. 


The following expenses may be added to a student’s Cost of Attendance, if applicable:

  • Federal Student Loan Fees
  • Professional licensure, certification, or a first professional credential costs
  • Health Insurance
  • Dependent Care
  • Disability-related expenses
  • Cooperative education costs
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Boston, MA 02115

(617) 879-7000