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Discounts on Apple Products and Software are available

Colleges of the Fenway students, faculty, and staff can purchase Apple computers and software at Educational pricing. See bookstore staff for more information.

How to obtain a Bookstore Voucher

Bookstore vouchers are available only during the add/drop period.

Download a bookstore voucher request form

Fill out and sign the form, with the amount needed for supplies. You can view the amount of credit you have available on your Student Self Service account under “Student Account Balance”

Your estimated financial aid package must exceed your financial obligation to MassArt for the current semester in order to qualify for the bookstore voucher. The voucher is an available line of credit that can only be used at the MassArt Art Supply & Bookstore to be used for textbooks and course related supplies.

  • Once funds are transferred to the bookstore, they will not be refunded or reversed
  • There is a limit of $400 per semester, unless you need to use one to purchase a personal computer. If that is the case, please indicate this on the provided check box.
  • Once you complete the form, email with the subject line “Bookstore Voucher Request” 
  • Email requests must come from your official MassArt email account. This is required to confirm your identity.
  • Once the Bursar’s office has confirmed the credit on your account, the bookstore will be informed of the credit and update your account with them. Please allow a business day for this to reflect.

    • Visit the MassArt Bookstore and find your course materials.
    • Once you have selected the items you want to purchase, proceed to checkout.

    Continue as a guest or sign in

    Select a delivery method (the store will be closed for summer semester, so please do not select in store pick-up)

    The payment method is called VOUCHER/VA. Check the box for this payment type and you will be prompted to provide your MASSART ID number. Enter the entire ID including the leading “0” at the beginning. If you have an account through the bookstore you will then be prompted with this screen or similar:

Get in touch

Call: (617) 739-4770

For any further assistance at the MassArt Bookstore, please contact:
Christopher Petit, Area Manager at, or bookstore staff at , by phone at 617.739.4770.
A person sits at a cluttered desk in an art-filled workshop. The walls are adorned with colorful drawings and posters. Shelving holds boxes and supplies, while exposed pipes run along the ceiling in the narrow, industrial space.
The ReStore

The ReStore is a sustainable, donation based, volunteer run store. Our mission is to provide the MassArt community with free supplies so they can be successful in their artistic practices, while continuing our goals of sustainability and reuse. The ReStore is dedicated to giving back and providing help to those in need.

The ReStore is located on the basement level of Kennedy across from the Bookstore. The ReStore hours are posted on instagram.

Follow MassArt ReStore on instagram 
image description
621 Huntington Ave,
Boston, MA 02115

(617) 879-7000