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Malgorzata (Margot) Zurakowska Chair, Illustration Professor, Illustration

Industry Experience

Selected Exhibitions

  • Galerie Michele Broutta, Paris; Salon d’Automne, Paris
  • Bibliotheque National, Paris
  • Salon International de l’Estampe, Paris, France
  • Musee F. Rops, Namur
  • Galerie Detour, Namur, Belgium
  • Sylvan Cole Gallery, NYC
  • International Print Biennial, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • International Print Triennial, Cracow

Selected Collections

  • MFA, Boston,MA
  • Bibliotheque National, Paris, France
  • National Museum, Poland
  • Museum of Art, Trondheim, Norway
  • Museo di Arte Conteporanea, Teolo/Padva
  • Museo “Alla Ponzone” Pinacoteca, Cremona, Italy
  • Musee d’Art et d’Histoire, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, Macedonia

Selected Publications

  • “Mezzotint: History and Technique,” by Carol Wax, published by H. Abrams
  • “The Prints of the World,” curated and edited by Toshimiro Hamanu, Japan
  • Artichoke, “Zurakowska,” exhibition review by A. Antliff
  • Gazeta Wyborcza, “Mroczna Mistyka,” review by A. Talaga
  • La Stampa, “Il Mondo guarda a Biella Incisione”
  • “Mezzotint, Malgorzata and Mysticism,” by Hans Guggenheim and “Profundity, Beauty, Transcendence,” by A. Antliff (exhibition catalogue) Lodz, Poland
  • Ottawa Citizen, “Zurakowska,” review by N. Baele; M

Selected Awards & Prizes

  • Premio Biella, Italy
  • Norwegian International Print Biennial
  • International Print Biennial Cracow, Poland
  • Print & Drawing Biennial, Rockford, IL
  • International Biennial “Small Forms,” Lodz, Poland
  • International Print Biennial, Miami, FL
  • International Print & Drawing Biennial, Peoria, IL
  • International Print Quadrennial, Slovakia


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621 Huntington Ave,
Boston, MA 02115

(617) 879-7000